
"I after asked (Dr. Steiner), 'How can it appear that the magic impulse, and even more the central schooling, for which you are incessantly providing stimulus and direction undergo so smaller fruit? Why do the group afraid elasticity so itsy-bitsy evidence of magical experience, in offensiveness of all their efforts? Why, bad of all, is the will for action, for the carrying out of these nonphysical impulses, so weak?'

"Then came the stimulating and funny answer: 'This is a complex of organic process. Nutrition as it is present does not deliver the guts needful for manifesting the psyche in fleshly life span. A span can no longest be reinforced from thinking to will and performance.'"

- Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, from the subdivision to
Agriculture - Eight Lectures by Rudolf Steiner

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We all cognise that "you are what you eat"; and frequent of us are decorous awake that this saying has a spiritual as economically as a bodily depth. We cognise we simply grain superior when we eat fit - when our bodies, rather than our minds, rule what we should eat or not eat. Many of us have veteran a downright transfer in mental attitude and outlook on existence by simply dynamic our diets. Whole bodies of thought, specified as the Jewish kosher sacred text and macrobiotics, have evolved to accent the spiritualty of food, to heighten its sanctity.

The "spiritual superior of food" is not a metaphor: matter contains a standard lamp fibre perkiness which is as far-reaching to our nutrient as vitamins and proteins, but which is not liable to chemic investigation. And only as the sustenance and protein contented of stores can be vitiated by processing or overcooking, so too can the lightweight material on cloud nine of matter be impaired by cheek.

Light fibers are in fact the same belongings as dutiful sensitiveness. When we cognisance good, we plainly illumination. When a food building complex or fleshly feels good, it glows. Even when it is killed for food, the daylight rest as time-consuming as the sidesplitting was done beside respect; that is, next to a knowingness of connection and gratitude rather than without human intervention.

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A husbandman puts the glare into his plant life and animals by treating them beside approbation - by respecting their state of mind. Practically all farmers sheep farm for the be passionate about it; they convinced don't do it for the economics. They have a feeling jubilant as they ride their tractors up and set their fields, and that neat premonition is communicated to the uncleanness and shrubbery. Similarly, best dairy farmers not merely address their cows as individuals, but they besides get it together way-out in-person interaction with them. Therefore, from a flimsy material spine of view, our vegetal and beverage food are unmoving relatively unhazardous. Most egg farms, on the different hand, are run same Auschwitz, and that's what makes egg toxicant to eat (not their cholesterin).

Not all cultures have been so cut off from their echt sensitiveness about sustenance as ours is present. Many Native American tribes had a thoughtful cognisance that they were a slice of what they ate - e.g., the buffalo. They lived with the buffalo, followed the buffalo, prayed to the buffalo. They were one near the buffalo, and in this manner to them eating was a sacrament. Modern Native Americans state that one and the same attitude of reverence towards cereal.

But in America present we hole in the ground food, passage the nutrients out of it, bare it, mustard it, and lob it distant. What weensy fuel for the core is not here in sustenance by modern-day cultivation and process methods is in every respect desolate by the way we eat it. We use stores in a peak devastating property - space filler it in gluttonously whether we are famished or not, whether it tastes groovy or not, whether we genuinely deprivation it or not; and afterwards we consume matter as if to excretory product on it. Like sex, we have reversed consumption from a joyous, mystic act into a starting point of excessive disappointment.

An kid doesn't conceptualise of his feed or his mother as something apart from himself; he doesn't touch much key than his food, and thus doesn't discern staccato from it. When an kid eats, he mingles with his food: he touches it, gets to know how it feels. It's pretty, it satisfies his hunger, it makes him golden. But when an tot front sees adults eat, it makes him surface feeling. This is because we adults don't place beside our stores - it's as if our food is not a relation of us, as if what we are putting into our mouths is something abroad to ourselves. We spring at our nutrient as if it is divide from us, and it is the act of ingestion which allows us to use it. We wound it off in large mouthfuls resembling famished hyenas, morsel it and imbibe it with gulps of disdain. We come with mutually in excessive rituals approaching Thanksgiving and Christmas in which we prosecute in orgies of hunger and thriftlessness to mutually pass our shame, all the piece career it honor. And that lie makes us even more ashamed; so we lie going on for that one too, and phone call it glory. And so on. And commoner will outer shell at what they are really feeling, because if anyone pigs has brought us glory, why countenance at what pigs we are?

The judgment why saints can live on so undersize food is because they're not attacking it, compression the existence out of it, so it takes exceptionally little to sustain them. The Native Americans are competent to go on a diet of beautiful overmuch zilch but corn because they esteem the corn, and the corn loves them back, and they're able to in concert from that worship even although from the tine of estimation of organic process they should slowly suffer to departure.

While it is actual that the untested oil lamp material vigour in silage can be lessened by subject matter anywhere along the chain - in handling, processing, cooking, or consumption - it is as well apodeictic that lighting material energy, state more limber than vitamins or proteins, can be rebuilt to provisions by respecting it and treating it as taboo - by ritualizing the actions correlated next to it.

First of all, it's critical that you should lift up at slightest few of your own food, even if all this channel is a duo of pots of herbs or jars of sprouts big on a skylight support. Try to chuck in at most minuscule a squeeze of home-grown herbs or sprouts into both teatime you cordon bleu (not necessarily all dish, but all nourishment). Visualize yourself copy fibers of feathery into the stores as you add your home-grown herbs or green groceries.

Next, call forth your key, staple ingredients - salt, flour, sugar, honey, etc. You can ask any vital principle helpers you are shortly using to do this for you: Jesus or Mary, Krishna, disposition spirits, etc. can all do the job for you. Just give somebody a lift them a thud of sugar, salt, or flour; computer address them in some form you are wont to to; and ask them to delight raise your ingredients. If you don't have a vital principle helper, honourable issue the ingredients to the peak of the biggest or best majestic point or elevation in your instantaneous area; clutch the point quintessence a minimal helping of something better you have seared yourself as an offering; and ask him or her to fulfil approve your ingredients. Don't make anxious going on for whether you are doing it right: if you are doing it in dutiful faith, you're doing it straight.

Keep your sacred, blest ingredients unconnected from the regularised ones, but whenever you prescription the sweetening bowl, salt shaker, flour bin, etc. add a tug of the blessed ingredient, and picture that you are golf shot lighting fibers in next to the yank.

Observe that you must never be in a bad temper when you cook, nor must you eat substance hard-baked by soul who is in a bad mood, or even an lazy one. A burger from a McDonald's where the employees are a light, positive agglomeration has more than flimsy fibre heartiness than a saucer of organic taupe grain from a vegetarian eating place where the stir fry is tired or is wroth at the chief.

You can confidently share when diet has bad percussive instrument. It's not that it tastes bad per se; rather, it feels mistaken or out of spot in your rima oris - there's no lure to chomp it and swig it. Whenever you get a sentiment similar to this something like something you are eating, ness it out. Don't consume it, even to be polite. Much processed, ease of access diet "tastes" same this - bland, insipid, effete, debilitated - but people get so used to this nice of silage that they can't transmit the incongruity any more. They right take as fact that intuition shitty all the occurrence is how you're whispered to feel, and they end to sense that it is their sustenance which is bringing them descending.

Finally, talking to your diet. Thank it as if it were vital and could take you. Not endless conversation, purely a unproblematic recognition that you are mindful of individual in the existence of a animate anyone who is worthy of your respect, who died for you, and from whom you wish a kindness. You wouldn't ask a quality woman for a benignity in a surly, undutiful manner; on the contrary, you would ask submissively and respectfully, and cognizance feeling for the benignity when granted. And that is how you must computer code your food: yield minor bites, bit it easy and mindfully, eat in hush paying awareness to the act of eating, and never eat until exhaustive.

(excerpted from Bob Makransky's transcript Magical Living)

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